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Ralgon Senate

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Formerly designed to govern the entire country, the Imperial Senate of the Holy Ralgon Empire has recently been retooled to govern the Island of Dragos as a larger territory group within the empire, unofficially dubbed Realms. This means that major colonies such as Adrestia retain full autonomy and answer directly to the King of Drag'os (who also holds the title of Ralgon Emperor), so long as their laws do not conflict with Imperial laws or decrees.

As the senior-most legislature in the Holy Ralgon Empire, the Senate sets both the tone and pace for legislation in the Realm's other constituent countries, territories, and penal colonies domestically as well as abroad. The Senate directly governs the oldest and largest of the Empire's constituent countries, known as Drag'os, whose territory covers the island bearing the same name (and known to ancient cartographers in other parts of Micras as "El Dorado").

Within the Realm of Drag'os, the Senate serves to represent the several Provinces and Territories contained within. Because of recent major reforms, only three Senators instead of five represent each Province, and one represents every Territory. Three Senators represent Glacier City, S.A.R. due to the city's special status as the current King's main residence, as well as its sheer size in economy and population. The Senate represents several full Provinces, all located on the constituent country of Dragos. These include Scarterra, Aurora, Stormhold (post-fracture), Nixtorm, and Duro (the newest Province in Drag'os).

The Territories represented include the sparsely populated Great Swamp lands (governed from the resettled city of Jento), the even more sparsely populated lands in the Great Divide (the interior of which is crawling with hostile elder dragons) and the much more hospitable territory of Dragon's Reach in the far southwest of the island.

Methods of Representation

Most Provinces appoint their own Senators at least partially. Drag'nor splits its representation, with one Senate seat each going to the nobility, to the Merchant's Guild, and to a popular vote from the wealthiest 25% of the province's citizens. Aurora has one Senate seat elected by Mashiro's citizens, with the rest elected by landowners elsewhere in the province. Nixtorm two of its Senators through its nobility, and is the only province that allows the Draconic Temple (as a whole) to appoint its own Senator, largely for historical and cultural reasons. Duro allows soldiers in residence there to elect their own Senator, with the other two voted in by a special electoral college consisting of local government representatives. Stormhold Province elects all three through universal suffrage, the only territory in the empire to do so.

The Great Swamp territory's ruler appoints its Senator directly. Glacier City, S.A.R. elects one its three Senators from full, resident citizens earning more than the annual median income, and to individuals whose spouse meets the same qualifications. They elect their second from those who make income within the top 1%. Their third Senator is always elected by the City's government at-large. Dragon's Reach elects its single Senator from citizens who previously served honorably in the armed forces or in public service for at least five years. The unorganized territory within the Great Divide sends a single Senator straight from the military that is currently occupying the region, as there are no major permanent settlements there yet.

Qualifications for Service

All Senators must be old enough to reach 30 years of age at the time of inauguration if they wish to be appointed, or 25 years of age to stand for popular election. Senators may not be appointed or stand for election if they are 60 years of age or older. Vacancies in appointed seats are only filled for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in elected seats are left empty until the next election unless more than half of their two-year term remains. Any Senator wishing to stand for appointment must seek the King's approval before submitting their candidacy. Elected Senators may run independently of provincial or royal approval, although the lack of at least cursory endorsement by the King or their local government/Grand Duke is generally seen as a bad sign.

Passage of Legislation

For a law to pass, the Senate must first vote with at majority vote (at least 13 votes). The First Minister, who sits in the Senate, does not cast a conventional vote; instead, they must either approve or veto a bill outright. A Prime Minister's veto may be overridden by another Senate vote with at least 16 in favor (2/3 of the vote). If the law passes the Prime Minister, it then goes to the King, who has the unconditional power to pass either a block or a veto on a bill before it enters into an enforceable state of law. A block allows the King to strike down portions of the bill, then send the remainder back to the Senate to re-pass after any necessary amendments. (Prime Ministers can be fired upon a 3/4th majority of the 24 Senators present, upon which the administration at Drag'nor must immediately appoint a different Prime Minister. This event tends to happen once every five years or so, and always makes national headlines due to the rancorous nature of how it all tends to happen -- usually after a PM's crushing defeat on the Senate floor.)